favourites from may

favourites from may

a heart-to-heart:

One major pitfall of self-development and self-improvement is that the hyperfixation on self can actually make us more unwell. Let me explain. Think for a moment - when do you feel your best? For me, what comes to mind are the activities where I get out of my head and into an activity - a recent memory was realising how focused and enjoyable it felt to simply colour something in. These kind of ‘in flow’ activities are probably what makes childhood so nostalgic. Isn’t that ironic? We feel better when we’re out of our heads and focused on a task, not when we intentionally concoct ways to feel better.

Essentially, I could spend ages journalling, listening to podcasts, scrolling on ‘self-help’ reels or creating to-do lists with a constant wondering - why aren’t I feeling any better? With that said, I realised that I wanted to make this space one that’s not just super focused on internal struggles and development, but a space that includes other passions. Without further ado, welcome to a new type of post - a light-hearted one, all about passions outside of myself; music, fashion, aesthetic, experiments with skincare and more!

favourites from may 

1 → la première

If you’re like me and your commute to uni/school/work is quite long - this one is for you. This is the time just for myself where I can relax and listen to a podcast that puts me in a good mood. It’s hard to pick one but this podcast has been one I keep coming back to this month:

my fav moment of the podcast: ‘beyonce walks into the restaurant, and her friend goes - omg I knew it, she has cellulite’. the need to pull someone down to feel equal or superior to them because you thought of yourself as inferior in the first place.


2 → la deuxième

Also on commute - favourite album so far has to be ‘eternal sunshine’, I literally dance to this when waiting for the tram, on repeat forever since the start of may, not sure how I haven’t got tired of it.


*my fav track is intro :)

3 → la troisième

Gold jewellery is just mwah. Recently bought some gold jewellery from the cutest stall spotted in Camberwell market. Stardust Studios - the pieces I got were this ring with a heart (very on brand of me I know) and pearl earrings, although I was also eyeing a necklace. 

their store: https://www.shopstarduststudios.com/


4 → la quatrième

TutorialsbyHugo. No words. If you know how to play piano + like singing, you’ll have the best time. So far I know ‘ur so pretty’ by heart and have been playing ‘intro’, ‘no time to die’ and ‘she used to be mine’ + adele songs over and over and over before I sleep.

5 → la cinquième

Flaxseed gel masks (hair or face). This started trending and I tried it. When I was 12/13 I used to mix up the weirdest ‘natural’ face masks, and now I’m back. Honestly, I don’t know if it’s working but it feels really therapeutic. *you can use the strained flaxseeds for baking if you want as well.

current recipe:

  • 2 cups of water
  • 1/3 cup of flaxseed/linseeds
  1. boil the water
  2. pour the flaxseed
  3. mix until you get a gel-like consistence
  4. strain into a bowl/jar - refrigerate (it only lasts a few weeks)

6 → la sixième

Go-to inspiration and youtuber is moya mawhinney. Her videography and vlogs are truly beautiful. Also hope to travel/study/live in France one day. 

7 → la septième

Farmer’s markets on Sundays are truly a staple in my life now. For food + good vibes: Alphington market will not fail OR for jewelery/clothes: Camberwell market. Both have cute flower stalls - def recommend.

8 → la huitième

Movement is so important to me and something I prioritise every morning. It’s one of the things that gets me out of my head and into my body. My favourite form of movement right now is pilates, specifically PilatesbyBryony - she has a beginner’s challenge coming soon (she does challenges every month) and there’s a free trial!


9 → la neuvième

iCanStudy by Justin Sung taught me everything I know about how our brains learn. I used to think his method was super crazy but elements of what they teach you that used to never be talked about are becoming more and more mainstream (anyone realise how suddenly we’re getting encouraged to mindmap). I feel that would never have happened 5-6 years ago. As well as things like active recall!

10 → la dixième

Last but not least - mindful/intuitive eating practises and pillars that keep me sane. edukale on youtube, honestly wish I found her account earlier.

Journalling my thoughts before and after meals is something I’m trying out as well - as I do have a pattern of immediately going on my phone after lunch/dinner.

mantra of the month:

if you see someone else recommending something that works for them and you think ‘omg i have to try that, or damnn i’m not doing that - should i do it?’ take a moment, celebrate that they found something that may work for them and then ask whether it would work for you.


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